To Book Milly Verchar for an event
email your request with details of the event date, location, ect. for booking availability to: [email protected]
Milly Verchar also can be found on
Pep for Seniors - Tag Sale
Place: Metropolitan Oval in Parkchester
Lotion: Bronx, New York 10462
Date: Saturday, July 9th 2016 (9am-5pm)
(Rain date Sunday, 7/10/16)
If directions are in question, please call the
PEP for Seniors Enhancement office (718) 409-1619
The tag sale is a fundraiser for PEP for Seniors NORC program
(Naturally Occurring Retirement Community)
providing quality programming for their senior citizens. The Parkchester Enhancement Program provides nursing and social services along with educational and recreational opportunities for seniors 60+ living in Parkchester, enabling seniors to remain independent.
Craft Fair
Teachers College Columbia University
Community Business and Talent Showcase
Arts and Crafts Sale
Location: 525 West 120th Street
Monday, December 7, 2015
Place: Zankel Lobby
Time: 10 AM - 7 PM
Located on the 120th block of Manhattan between Broadway and Amsterdam on the north end of Morningside Heights bordering Harlem and Morning side Park.
Craft Fair
Teachers College Columbia University
Community Business and Talent Showcase
One Day Spring Arts and Crafts Sale
Location: 525 West 120th Street
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Place: Zankel Lobby
Time: 11 AM - 6 PM
Located on the 120th block of Manhattan between Broadway and Amsterdam on the north end of Morningside Heights bordering Harlem and Morning side Park.
Flea - Market
Central Harlem Senior Citizens' Center
Location: 34 W. 134th Street
New York, N.Y. 10037
Friday April 4, 2014
Place: The Kennedy Center
Time: 9 AM - 4 PM
Flea - Market
Central Harlem Senior Citizens' Center
Location: 34 West 134th Street
New York, NY 10037
Saturday August 9, 2014
Place: The Kennedy Center
Time: 9 AM - 5 PM
Purchase any basket or soap set and get a free fragrance soap.
Flea - Market
Central Harlem Senior Citizens' Center
Location: 34 West 134th Street
New York, NY 10037
Friday September 19, 2014
Place: The Kennedy Center
Time: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Neighborhood Fair
Place: West 119th Street
& Malcolm X Blvd
Harlem, New York
October 2014, Every Saturday
Time: 11 AM - 7 PM
Teachers College Columbia University
Community Business and Talent Showcase
Two Days Arts and Crafts Sale
December 17 & 18, 2014
Location: 525 West 120th Street Place: Zankel Lobby
Time: 11 AM - 6 PM
Located on the 120th block of Manhattan between Broadway and Amsterdam on the north end of Morningside Heights bordering Harlem and Morningside Park.