Glycerin is a natural skin softener and contributes to the soap's longevity, preventing it from dissolving quickly.
Irish Oat Meal, is a wonderful natural abrasive for busy hands & fantastic for exfoliation.
Our Brown Spice Soap, bursting with a generous amount (gardeners soap).
Camomile is known for its Soothing & moisturizing dry to normal skin, abundant source of flavonoids, aids in treatment of inflammation and muscle pain, natural relaxant.
Our Camomile Vanilla Cinnamon Soap.
Lavender is well-known for its soothing and calming effect.
Our Lavender Ice Soap.
Lemon enhance the clarity and glow to skin, helps to regain its smoothness and softens and refresh the skin.
Our Lemon Life Soap.
Shea Butter reliefs dryness of the skin, moisturize and restore elasticity to skin.
Our Shea Butter Sweet Shells Soap.
Rosemary is aromatic soothing your mind and body, leaving you feeling relaxed.
Our Dar Romance Soap.
Exfoliation is there removal of dead skin cells, leaving behind super smooth and clean skin.
Glycerin is a natural skin softener and contributes to the soap's longevity, preventing it from dissolving quickly.
Irish Oat Meal, is a wonderful natural abrasive for busy hands & fantastic for exfoliation.
Our Brown Spice Soap, bursting with a generous amount (gardeners soap).
Camomile is known for its Soothing & moisturizing dry to normal skin, abundant source of flavonoids, aids in treatment of inflammation and muscle pain, natural relaxant.
Our Camomile Vanilla Cinnamon Soap.
Lavender is well-known for its soothing and calming effect.
Our Lavender Ice Soap.
Lemon enhance the clarity and glow to skin, helps to regain its smoothness and softens and refresh the skin.
Our Lemon Life Soap.
Shea Butter reliefs dryness of the skin, moisturize and restore elasticity to skin.
Our Shea Butter Sweet Shells Soap.
Rosemary is aromatic soothing your mind and body, leaving you feeling relaxed.
Our Dar Romance Soap.
Exfoliation is there removal of dead skin cells, leaving behind super smooth and clean skin.